Thursday, July 11, 2013

Grant brings 180 iPads to Leeds City Schools!

A $50,000 grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission, along with another $30,000 in additional federal funding and $20,000 from the Leeds school system will provide 180 iPads to Leeds schools.
There will be 30 of the devices in each grade from third through eight when school starts back in the fall, said Burke Wren, Coordinator of Curriculum Initiatives for Leeds City Schools.

The funding also purchased a mobile white board with a projector that teachers can use for classroom demonstrations. The remaining funds will be used to provide training for teachers.

Wren said the technology should help improve student test scores on state achievement tests and assist in improving math and grammar skills.

"When I told (Superintendent John Moore) I thought we had a shot at getting this, he said go for it," Wren said. "We're thrilled to have this."

From Jeremy Gray's article in "The Birmingham News" published May 22, 2013.

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